
Gordon Robertson Wins Homecare’s Got Talent!


At Visiting Angels, we’re not only proud of the exceptional care our team provides every day, but also of the extraordinary talents that shine within our caregivers. We’re thrilled to announce that our very own Gordon Robertson from the Renfrewshire and Inverclyde office has won the grand finale of the national talent show, Homecare’s [...]

Gordon Robertson Wins Homecare’s Got Talent!2024-08-14T11:51:48+01:00

Career Progression in Care


Career progression in the field of care is an essential aspect for individuals who are passionate about providing quality care and support to those in need. As care workers and support workers develop their skills and gain experience, they have the opportunity to advance in their careers and take on more responsibilities. Ways to progress [...]

Career Progression in Care2023-05-31T14:55:46+01:00

Visiting Angels Conference & Awards 2022


Visiting Angels- A Thousand Tiny Thank Yous- Conference & Awards On November 25th, 2022, Visiting Angels hosted its Annual Conference and Awards ceremony at The Edwardian, Manchester. The event brought together franchisees, registered managers, and staff members from across the country to learn, network, and celebrate the achievements of the past year. The conference [...]

Visiting Angels Conference & Awards 20222023-11-14T13:27:38+00:00

Things to Consider before getting Homecare


It isn’t just about nice people helping out, there are justifiable regulations and legal responsibilities that need to be followed to safeguard vulnerable people living in the community. The provision of ‘personal care’ is considered a regulated activity by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and involves supporting people in their homes (or where they’re living [...]

Things to Consider before getting Homecare2021-09-03T13:17:40+01:00

Tackling loneliness for your loved ones


Lockdown has had an impact on everybody this year, but it’s been particularly tough on the elderly residents living at home, in our Cambridgeshire communities. Whilst they’ve been shielding to protect their physical health, the implications of spending longer periods indoors, without seeing familiar faces, will have undoubtedly affected their mental health too. The feeling [...]

Tackling loneliness for your loved ones2020-11-11T09:11:45+00:00

Corona Virus – Covid 19


We want to ensure that we are communicating the most relevant and up-to-date information to both our clients’ and to our staff. Prior to receiving the official guidance from government and public health England we had already taken several steps. We have been in regular contact with our caregivers providing updates on the virus We [...]

Corona Virus – Covid 192020-03-26T16:27:52+00:00

Funding care – A sensible approach


Over the last few weeks I have been learning about an organization called SOLLA. SOLLA or the Society of Later Life Advisers is a non-profit organisation that promotes the needs of people seeking advice about financial issues in later life. SOLLA accredits financial advisors so that they are in a position to advise people about [...]

Funding care – A sensible approach2020-03-10T14:15:31+00:00

Medication errors cause problems for thousands.


Research conducted by the universities of York, Sheffield and Manchester has highlighted that a mistake is made 237million times a year in the administration or prescription of medication. The mistakes made in both the health and social care sector for the most part didn’t cause harm but in 28% of the mistakes moderate or severe [...]

Medication errors cause problems for thousands.2018-02-26T09:01:26+00:00

Beware the shadow you cast.


For many years I have thought about the impact that our interactions with each other have, even during the time when we are apart. For much of my professional career I have said “beware the shadow you cast” meaning that the way you treat someone when you are with them can have a positive or [...]

Beware the shadow you cast.2018-02-05T15:35:33+00:00

Trouble Sleeping?


Councillors and care providers have added their voices to the concerns of others in social care over back pay for carers for “sleep in shifts”. In a letter to the Observer last week Bridget Warr of the UKHCA and leading politicians from local authorities urged ministers to provide assistance to fill what could be a [...]

Trouble Sleeping?2018-02-01T14:59:20+00:00