Companionship Home Care Services2023-06-23T13:04:30+01:00

Companionship Home Care

home care

What is companionship home care?

Through companionship home care, we aim to prevent seniors from feeling lonely and isolated by simply having a chat, making a cup of tea or taking time to listen. Our caregivers also help with feelings of loneliness. They are highly trained to the level where they are able to notice the early stages of loneliness such as feeling isolated and not communicating with others often.

home care

Choose your own home caregiver 

The way a daughter cares for her mum or a wife cares for her husband, with love, is a special thing. Whilst we can never replace a family bond, we do ensure that our carers approach care as if it is personal. Home care with us could mean a brand new start to building relationships, we want you to live well and independently at home with having the support of our compassionate caregivers.

Watch our companionship care video below:

Watch our recruitment & training video below:

Want to talk about care?

We know talking about care is not at easy conversation to have, especially for families. Our compassionate and caring team are there to make this conversation easier for you.

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