Why Seniors with Alzheimer’s Need to Socialise


Alzheimer’s is a progressive condition that affects a senior’s cognitive function, communication abilities, and social skills. As the disease progresses, seniors with Alzheimer’s can become increasingly isolated, making socialisation an essential component of Alzheimer’s care. Socialisation provides a sense of purpose for seniors with Alzheimer’s. The condition can significantly impact their self-esteem and confidence, and socialisation [...]

Why Seniors with Alzheimer’s Need to Socialise2023-07-20T09:47:56+01:00

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month -Know Dementia, Know Alzheimer’s


Most of us will know someone who has been affected by Alzheimer’s Disease, be it a family member or a friend. September is world Alzheimer’s month, the aim is to raise awareness and understanding in the changes in behaviour and memory Alzheimer’s disease can cause, so that family members can feel confident in reaching out [...]

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month -Know Dementia, Know Alzheimer’s2023-07-20T09:33:41+01:00